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▪   Admission Open  ▪   Community College is a paradigm shift in education, reaching out to the poorest, ' To Include the Excluded and Give the Best to the Least ' . 

About Us

Tarbes Community College: Founded in March 2003 by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Tarbes. A Community College is an alternative system of education, which is aimed at the empowerment of the disadvantaged and the underprivileged, through appropriate skills development, leading to gainful employment. This is done in collaboration with

Sr. Susai Rani Nicholas
2024 TCC Directress

Ph no: 8310069815/ off:7676704792


There are many ways you can show your support for Tarbes Community College, such as scholarship, donations in cash or kind (Computers, Library books, Fees, etc)... : Read More :

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